During the early stages of emphysema, most
people will have few symptoms. The disease usually progresses slowly,
and changes in breathing may be hardly noticed. A typical person will
not experience symptoms until they have smoked a pack of cigarettes per
day for more than 20 years.
Over time, almost all people with emphysema
will develop shortness of breath. At first, this may be noticed only
during strenuous activities, such as climbing several flights of stairs
or playing sports. As time goes on, the shortness of breath may occur
with daily activities, such as housework or walking short distances.
Eventually, the person may be short of breath for much of the day, even
while at rest or sleeping. At its worst, emphysema can cause "air hunger", the constant feeling of being unable to catch one's breath.
These respiratory symptoms are the same regardless of the cause of the emphysema. However, two people with the same degree of lung damage may have different symptoms. One person with mild emphysema
may feel very short of breath, while another person with more advanced
stages of the disease may be hardly bothered by symptoms. These
differences might result from other medical conditions and how well a
person is able to treat and condition their lungs.
Other symptoms caused by emphysema include:
- Wheezing, coughing or bringing up phlegm (if chronic bronchitis also is present)
- Tightness feeling in the chest
- Constant fatigue
- Difficulty sleeping
- Morning headaches
- Swelling of the ankles
- Lethargy or difficulty concentrating
- Diagnosis
The Onset of Emphysema Symptoms
first sign of emphysema is typically shortness of breath. It usually
begins during periods of overexertion, but eventually occurs even when
resting. Cough with phlegm is usually the second noticeable emphysema
Characteristic Signs of Emphysema
with emphysema develop a characteristic sign of respiratory distress,
called pursed-lip breathing. Since persons with emphysema struggle to
exhale completely, they tend to purse their lips to block the flow of
air. This restrictive type breathing increases the pressure in the
airways where the collapsing has occurred and temporarily opens them
allowing the person to fully exhale.
***********It's Necessary To Know !**********
may affect the brain, too. Low oxygen levels in the blood may mean that
the brain is not getting enough oxygen. The end result can be
grumpiness, irritability, impaired mental ability. High carbon dioxide
levels in the blood can lead to headaches and sleeplessness.
*If you are experiencing any of the following signs and symptoms of emphysema, You should see your doctor immediately *
Does Blood comes out when the person with emphysema coughs?
ReplyDeleteYes, blood will supplied when accompanied by a small amount of action in a severe stage.